Sunday, June 27, 2010

Some delays

Ok, So I'm back on US time and in work mode for the summer, which means getting up early and working Monday-Thursday (Hurray for paychecks!). I spent many hours this weekend going through all of my photos from the trip and selecting the ones to show to people. I trimmed it down to about 10% of all my photos. That being said, it is still 1,006 pictures. (It took a long time, and I didn't even look in the folders that I got from other people. They are all from my camera alone.) So this morning I started the long process of uploading them to photobucket because I didn't feel like creating 8 new facebook albums. (Facebook albums have a 200 photo maximum). Upon my return this evening I find that I have reached my storage limit on photobucket and that only about half of the photos actually got uploaded. You can view what actually made it here on my photobucket album I'll figure out what to do with the rest of them..... some time soon. But probably not during the work week. Until then, enjoy your summer days.


1 comment:

  1. Ellie and I have been following your exploits daily. We'd like to see them all!

