Thursday, August 16, 2012


A full third of the past 24 hours (That's 8 hours for those not terribly inclined to do math while reading a blog post) has been taken up by Karaoke with people who are about to leave for their home countries.

The last 24 hours have been a lot of fun.

(I wasn't the one leaving, but somehow I managed to be the focus of this shot)

(Props if you can recognize the show who's theme song they're singing)

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Photo batch

As promised I've posted up a batch of photo's from my trip. Some of these were already on the blog. But for this batch I basically took a copy of anything that met the following criteria:
1) Photo is was in focus
2) Photo was not a duplicate/too similar to any other photo previously selected. 

So this first batch is 77 pictures spanning my first uh....  5 days.

Click here to see the photos. (you need to be logged into facebook apparently. Sorry. My other image upload pages are currently maxed out on space)


Thursday, August 2, 2012

Meanwhile, Still During Finals

One final and 7 assignments (That I just found out about yesterday) to go. I'll be done for the semester in about 18 hours.

However, today I didn't have any classes nor work, so I took Leon up on an invitation to go to some onsen.

(It was pretty Awesome)

Also, I recently found out that I can braid my beard. And even more recently I found out that I can braid things into my beard.

(For Example: Toy Story Alien cell phone charms)

I would like to point out that it was one of my co-workers that suggested braiding that thing into my beard. (Not that I needed much convincing) But yeah, I was working at an English cram school for the past week to  earn some cash. It was a lot of work, especially for being in the middle of finals. But I made 41,300 yen. (Over 500 USD) for a week of work. I couldn't really pass it up. Originally I was going to try and use that to buy a car in order to save money on train tickets. But I found out that the route I would be taking is a toll road, and the toll would cost me more then the train tickets. So scratch that idea. Instead I'll just be using it to live off of. Hopefully I won't need to transfer as much money to Japan now because I loose about 20% due to the exchange rate.

At any rate, here are two pictures of the class that I was teaching. I'll probably write more about it after finals. (Click the pictures to enlarge them.)

(Myself, The other teachers, and the class. Can you figure out which ones are the teachers?)

(My students writing down what they would want in their "Ideal City". Can you pick out the one I wrote?)

See you after finals!
