Monday, May 14, 2012

Rain Coat

I've come to understand why the Japanese use umbrellas instead of rain coats. In the bay area, if it's raining, it generally means it's also cold, or at least cool. Here in Japan they have warm rains. Since the temperature doesn't drop much when it rains, my rain coat tends to be way too warm and I end up soaked with sweat rather then rain. As much as I love my rain coat and hat, I think I will have to leave them at home until it cools off. Though I should probably buy myself a new umbrella too. Although the one I found in the gutter outside Trader Joe's last year was free and convenient, I'm not sure how well I rock the pink stripes.

I'm also trying to cut down on how much I carry with me on a daily basis to save my back a bit. I'm having a hard time leaving for school without all the useful stuff I keep in there though. I always feel so unprepared without my full complement of supplies.

Speaking of supplies, I need to restock my med kit. People keep crashing their bikes and cutting themselves on kitchen knives, and I seem to be the only one prepared for the bloodshed. (Perhaps a different word would be more appropriate then "Bloodshed".....) I seem to be the only one prepared to perform first aid. (That sounds less morbid, yeah?) At any rate, I have the Japanese for Hydrogen Peroxide written down, I just need to find a drug store and ask for it. I need that and a lot more bandages. Alcohol prep pads would be good too. All mine were apparently too old and had dried out.

All that will have to wait though. Tonight is study time. I have two tests and a bunch of writing due tomorrow.


  1. Pink striped umbrella??? How come you didn't give it to meee?

    1. Because I could carry around in my bag. Also, I didn't know you needed an umbrella.
